Free Qigong in San Francisco!

Practice with us at 10am every Saturday in Sue Bierman Park (San Francisco). If weather is wet/raining we practice at the covered entrance of Four Embarcadero. The format is a 1 hour session with warm ups, picking out 1 of the 64 movements for details/discussion, and a full practice of Wild Goose Qigong First Set.

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Explore the graceful movements and healing energy of Dayan (Wild Goose) Qigong, a centuries-old practice that harmonizes body, mind, and spirit. Practice with us on Saturdays in San Francisco and every day online!


Building Ziriz.App to reward fans in unison with creators. Co-Founder & Managing Director @ CODAME ART+TECH not-for-profit. Creative Commons Audio Visual Producer as staRpauSe & Moving Meditation Qigong Shifu 🐣